
Wall paper madness!

 Yesterday was the first of many BIG days on tackling the Condo! Above is the lovely wallpaper that seemed to govern the home! It's quite loud and made the kitchen a little dark (to say the least).
 My hubby and brother getting the wall paper steamer ready, and pulling out the stove and fridge.
 The master bath. It's a purpleish periwinkle!
 My awesome sister hard at work!
 After one coat. We used Behr paint w/ primer.  It's super thick and goopy for sure. But, we only needed two coats (not quite an entire can of paint).
 The boys again hard at work!
 My hard working man!
 Me working the steamer.
 What it looked like at our feet. It was a huge mess! Always think not twice, but at least ten times before putting up wallpaper!!!
 The second bedroom was a dark purple/brown color. It looked small and like a cave.

 My wonderful sister again. We also used paint with primer for this room.
My heroic hard working parents!

So we arrived at 12:15. Got the steamer up and going at almost one. My brother and sister, and parents came to help. My siblings had to leave earlier for work, but my parents stayed until we got one coat up in the second bedroom. They finished the master bath! My hubby and I stayed until 7:15. We finished steaming at about 6:50, because 1) the areas left were not reachable by the steamer (ie under the windowsill) 2) My in laws watched our two little children throughout this whole time! 3) we couldn't do anymore! We were so exhausted! Our arms ached. However waking up this morning, it's not my arms, it's my back!

So, wall paper is awful! We didn't do the dinning room. That'll be for another day! Still left to do:
2nd coat in 2nd bedroom
upstairs pink/mauve bathroom*
master bedroom
touch up base boards and trim
pink and yellow loft*

*will have to wait until after we move in, we have to pack too!

1 comment:

Liz said...

Awesome! Hooray to the end of the pink walls! And mismatching walls! And out of date wallpaper!