
Thrify Project- Necklace Stand

I don't have a necklace stand. I've wanted one for a while. I found this strange thing at a thrift store for 1$ and knew I could do something with it.

It was some kind of aluminum painted to look like silver (it was chipping off in some places), and made to look like a scale. The middle arrow has a screw that can loosen, but it's really and effective scale.  So I added a bit of this:
 Almond color spray paint.

And here is my result:
 A brand new unique necklace stand.


Serendipity Chic Design said...

Wow...such a great piece. I wonder what this originally was..I would have grabbed this for $1 too.

Have a great weekend...

Take care,

Tinamarie said...

awww, the miracle of paint! Nice necklace stand - I've been looking for something for my necklaces too - good eye!

Mandi @ Vintage Revivals said...

Random story time. My sister has one of these and we couldnt figure out what it was for. I think that you figured it out lady! You are a GENIUS!

thanks for linking up!

love your guts